fingering instruct title setSpeed B"register" "fingering" enterPage enterPage resetSpeed register fingering buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks arChecks to Exit phase1 buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks phase1 fingering ctrlDown keyInstruct phase buttonUp clearChecks phase1 fingering ctrlDown keyInstruct phase Lessons Worldwide Copyright 1992 by Peter Tur nquist,. All Rights Reserved. U.S. Patent 4,193,210. Pat. Pend. in Japan. MasterMind is a trademark of Peter Tur nquist. 2400 Olympic Blvd., Suite 3192 Walnut Creek, California 94595-1500 U.S.A. phone(510)210-160344444 register buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks register register learChecks register register Register Please point and click on your selection.any of the three above.. This is a trial offer, not a gift. If Master-Mind Typing version 1.01 helps you, register with the author. You will get: 1. A halo for doing right. 2. Ver. 2.01 adding advanced lessons--speed exercises on strategic words, great literature that MasterMind lets you memorize as you practice typing--and freedom from our plea to register.ister..... 3. A printed manual. 4. Stickers to hide the key markings, helping you memorize positions. 5. Free, technical support by phone. 6. Our moneyback guarantee of satisfaction.tion.on. enterPage enterPage resetSpeed register fingering resetSpeed register fingering instruct instruct fingering message buttonUp buttonUp title phase title phase to EXIT Please point and click on your selection. I recommend minimal speed for learning the keyboard. But you may challenge yourself for fun if you wish. To access the speed setting, hold down before and during selection here and until the screen transforms. Please beware of setting speed too Please introduce key groups in the numbered order. Repeat as you wish, until you do them all easily. buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks branch lesson learChecks branch lesson 3rd buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks branch lesson learChecks branch lesson 4th buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks branch lesson 4 learChecks branch lesson 2nd buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks branch lesson learChecks branch lesson All numerals, optional After the numbered groups get too easy, please review: buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks branch lesson learChecks branch lesson 5th buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks branch lesson learChecks branch lesson 1st allBut buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks allBut branch lesson learChecks allBut branch lesson All except numerals punctuation buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks punctuation branch lesson learChecks punctuation branch lesson Punctuation register buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks register register learChecks register register Register Keyboard Fingering register enterPage enterPage register fingering register fingering register fingering register fingering INVOICE--MasterMind Typing Registration and Upgrade ration of MasterMInd Typing includes upgrade to version 2.0, with advanced features and a printed manual. WITH A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER BY MAIL -- [To charge instead, see below.] Please mail payment to: Peter Turnquist 2400 Olympic Blvd., Suite 3192 Walnut Creek, CA 94595-1500 U.S.A. OR WITH A CREDIT CARD BY FAX OR TOLL-FREE PHONE -- Phone weekdays 8am Eastern to 5pm Pacific, Saturday 10:30am Eastern to 1pm Pacific. Registration only, please. Using MasterCard, VISA, AmEx or Discover, either: phone (800)242-4775, mention program 10632, and give the information below; or complete the form and fax it to (713)524-6398. ABOUT QUESTIONS such as site licensing, please phone Peter Turnquist at (510)210-1603 in California. YOUR PRINTED NAME AND ADDRESS YOUR (AREA)PHONES including zip code __________________________________________ day: __________________________________________ ________________ __________________________________________ evening: __________________________________________ ________________ The standard diskette size is 3.5". For 5.25", check here ____ Please calculate your total payment as follows. $ 30.00 registration, upgrade to new 2.01 disk, manual etc. _____ if California destination, $2.55 sales tax 4.00 handling & delivery to Canada, Mexico or the U.S.A. if beyond North America, $2.00 extra delivery ===== _____ Total payment, U.S. dollars Only if registering by fax [program 10632], please write: ____MasterCard ____VISA ____AmEx ____Discover Card no. ________________________________ expires mo/yr _______ Cardholder's PRINTED name _____________________________________ Cardholder's signature __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cardholder's signature __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________510)210-1603 in Walnut Creek, California.questions..uestions. or questions. buttonUp buttonUp title fingering phase tonUp title fingering phase Registration and the upgrade kit get you: advanced version 2.01; a printed manual; free, telephone support; keytop stickers; and applause. Is your printer ready? Please click on PRINT to make the registration form. Then register either by mail or, with a credit card, by fax or toll-free phone. The form below has a scroll bar for optional preview.ree phone. The form below has a scroll bar for optional you wish. buttonUp buttonUp title title fingering phase title title fingering phase PRINT register keyInstruct 0|1$3 This Window Scrolls To bring text into view, please use your mouse and: <---- the topic list at left. Why You Will Learn So Fast I am your genial MasterMind, at your service. Fear not if I read your mind, for all that I see there is your state of learning. You begin by practicing two keys. As soon as you learn two, I add a new key to the practice sequence. When you handle all three well, I introduce another, and so forth. I schedule each, earlier key to repeat after the best delay: just before you would have forgotten it. So you learn with minimum drill and save much time. Therefore they call me MasterMind. If you start with zero experience and beat the record for learning the whole keyboard (fifty keys including numerals), please tell us. The record is 93 minutes as of 1992. Average time is about 5 hours for young folks or 10 hours for old folks. It saves time if you study with me every day. If you have a quarter of the urge to type that other teachers demand, you cannot fail. Still, you are on your own in some ways, as follows. Keep Air Under Your Palms Beginners often rest their palms on the keyboard or desk, moving just their fingers to touch keys. That anchors your hands. If habitual, it means that you never will type fast. Please keep your palms up and in line with your forearms. If you sit up straight in a chair the right size (for less fatigue), both palms and forearms will be horizontal. Curve your fingers so JUST YOUR FINGERTIPS FEEL THE KEYS. Then you can move your hands freely, as needed to use the whole keyboard with ease. Home, Sweet Home To learn just one motion for each key, you need a constant, starting place. When not reaching to strike a key, please always keep your eight fingertips at the keys marked "home" on the lesson diagrams: ASDF JKL; Keys G and H, between the home groups, are not home keys. There are no home keys for thumbs, which you only use to strike the space bar. PLEASE RETURN YOUR FINGERS HOME AFTER EVERY KEYSTROKE. To make this easier, please keep your idle fingers as near home as you comfortably can, while one finger reaches for a key. One often goes wrong by starting to move at an offset from home. Keep Your Eyes On the Video Except to start your fingers at the home keys, you need and should never look at the keyboard. About how to move your fingers, all the useful information will be on the video screen, including a keyboard diagram. Please FIX YOUR EYES ON THE VIDEO SCREEN, not the keyboard. If the keyboard attracts your eyes irresistibly, hide the keytop markings with stickers from a stationery store. Use a distinctive color for the home keys. If you look at the key markings, it wastes the careful stimulus that I give to your memory and slows learning. Finding the Target Key It will surprise you to find that you press keys with fingers that you think idle. When you press a wrong key, the keyboard diagram will show which key you struck. Then the correct, target key will flash. I mark the target key for you likewise if time runs out. If the target symbol needs it, flashes too. I ask you to repeat a keystroke until you can do it without my mark. Later, I give you more practice on the key. If you can without looking at the keyboard, please strike the key before I mark it. That is how you tell me to repeat less. For a correct keystroke within the time allowed, I do not mark the key. I just give you my happy face--and less practice later. If you do not know the key that I ask you to strike, please DO NOT LOOK AT THE KEYBOARD. Just strike the space bar with either thumb. Then, so you will see where to strike, the target key on the video diagram will flash immediately. The spacebar is better than waiting for time to run out. Using the Correct Finger When I mark the key to strike, a shadow hand shows which finger to use. PLEASE ALWAYS USE THE ASSIGNED FINGER, or you never will type efficiently by touch. If you use fingers inconsistently, you confuse yourself with unwanted options. Shift Capital letters and most, special symbols need both a key and the symbol key. There are two, keys at opposite sides of the keyboard. So we use one hand for the symbol key, the other hand to shift. Please shift with the small finger. You will make errors if you try to strike both keys simultaneously. Instead, please hold down the key while tapping the symbol key. In other words, the sequence is: 1. Hold down . 2. Tap the symbol key; immediately release it. 3. Then release . Auto-Repeat Except , please never hold a key down. Just briskly tap and promptly release each key. If you hold down a key, other than , it will auto-repeat. (We do not teach or in these lessons. When used, and are keys that one holds down in combinations, like .) to GO, to STOP If you make no response in the time allowed, I infer that you do not know the key, and I schedule help. Please do not deceive me by neglect. Before diverting your attention or resting, just tap to suspend the lesson. To set a different speed would be another reason for . When you are ready, will restart. (Or you may exit from a suspended lesson.) commonly is toward the upper left, as my keyboard diagram shows, but it could be elsewhere on your own keyboard. Please find it now. It is among ten or twelve F (function) keys. Please either use or KEEP BUSY. Should inaction tell me that you do not know a key, though really you know, I would give you excess drill. The only reason I ever make you wait is to congratulate you. There always is a message on-screen, advising your next move. Setting Speed To accept the speed as set (slow initially), just start your lesson as usual. If you reset speed, a speed below your ability is harmless. But a setting above your ability calls for endless drill. If you set speed, please set it on the slow side of your ability. You know the keyboard when you complete the "all" lesson slowly. The essence of touch typing is keeping your eyes off the keyboard, not speed. Once you type by touch, speed improves with any kind of practice. It is more efficient to improve speed with the word and sentence lessons of version 2.x. Besides better realism, words make it easier to type fast because you get notice of future keys. In these Phase 1 lessons that teach keys singly, the speed settings are just for the fun of testing your reaction time. In lessons needing reach beyond the home keys, the highest speed settings may overwhelm everyone. Progress and Completion Please work with me at least an hour daily, or twice daily, as long as you need me. Prolonged layoff undoes your work by making you forget. It is efficient to take a break, though, when you tire. During a lesson, I display your percentage achievement. Mistakes are normal any time, so your score can go backward temporarily and repeatedly. Please persevere. Adapting promptly, we shall focus on your difficult keys so your score will rise again. When you master all the keys in a lesson, your score is 100% and I stop automatically. Most people like to finish a lesson in one sitting. Lesson Interruption You may stop with , then exit manually from an unfinished lesson. For each unfinished lesson x, a status file of the form MM.x goes onto the disk. So you may exit from MasterMind Typing then and shut power off if you wish. Later, you may resume learning under the conditions as of stop, unless another user has altered the lesson. When you finish an interrupted lesson, we automatically erase its MM.x file. Bypassing the Instructions These instructions appear after you select Lessons unless you hold down the key during selection. To omit the instructions, press before selecting Lessons at the top-level menu. Keep down, as you click and release the mouse button, and until the screen transforms. Your keyboard may abbreviate "Control" to "Ctrl." "Control" to "Ctrl."" to "Ctrl."rl." and release the mouse button for Phase selection, and until the screen transforms. Your keyboard may abbreviate "Control" to "Ctrl."uring selection. To omit the instructions, press before selection at the top-level menu. Keep down, as you click and release the mouse button for Phase selection, and until the screen transforms. Your keyboard may abbreviate "Control" to "Ctrl."ntrol" to "Ctrl." INSTRUCTIONS For shortcut scrolling, point and click on the topic: scrolling in the text window why you learn so fast keep air under your palms home keys keeping eyes on the video screen finding the target key using the correct finger shift auto-repeat to go, to stop setting speed progress and completion lesson interruption bypassing the instructionssionsstructionsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss buttonUp buttonUp instruct (instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct ( (f)struct buttonUp buttonUp instruct *instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct o**f) *instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct *R+instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct +instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct ,instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct +>-instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct -instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct .instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct -*/instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct /instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct /*/r0instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct /B1instruct buttonUp buttonUp instruct phase Up1r0z2instruct phase buttonUp buttonUp instruct keyInstruct buttonUp instruct keyInstruct PRINT instructions to lessons menus keyInstruct keyQuote Last time, someone left this lesson unfinished. Please point and click on your choice. --- to disregard the lesson's history and start it anew. --- a recent lesson that you did not finish, if nobody else used it meanwhile. The lesson will be as the last user left it.....ft it. start buttonUp buttonUp start branch start branch Restart continue buttonUp buttonUp continue branch tinue branch Continue enterPage branch enterPage branch speed KkeyDown speed setSpeed keyEnable branch speed KkeyDown speed setSpeed keyEnable fingering keyField keyField badQuote x n u nger Movement `D|D| `D|D| s Rmn `D|D| `D|D| `D|D| System `D|D| "sad1" "sad2" "sad3" "sad4" "sad5" "sad6" "sad7" "sad8" "sad9" "sad0" "sadQ" "sadW" "sadE" "sadR" "sadT" "sadY" "sadU" "sadI" "sadO" "sadP" "sadA" "sadS" "sadD" "sadF" "sadG" "sadH" "sadJ" "sadK" "sadL" "sadZ" "sadX" "sadC" "sadV" "sadB" "sadN" "sadM" "sadShift" showSadShift 4keyCode velopment rminal `D|D| System `D|D| :PRINTLAYOUT System `D|D| gD|D| gD|D| :REPORTDATA instruct gD|D| MasterMind Typing 1.01 Shareware gD|D| System `D|D| instruct gD|D| gD|D| instruct "sadA" "sadS" "sadD" "sadF" "sadG" "sadH" "sadJ" "sadK" "sadL" "sadZ" "sadX" "sadC" "sadV" "sadB" "sadN" "sadM" "sadShift" showAllSad "sad[" "sad," helpMe enterBook crashRecovery showAllSad enterBook VcrashRecovery setup startup keyEnable nowKey nextKey helpMe tapHere shift Hold SHIFT and TAP the other key. Please TAP the marked key. index:to index stages input tookHelp useShift xHome yHome crashRecovery learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn sadTab learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn sadShift learn showAllSad learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn sadTab learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn sadShift learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn sadShift learn sterMind Typing 2.01 4startup, keyEnable, nowKey, nextKey , but development 0,0,640,480 --VGA crashRecovery lesson , call MasterMind initialize Temporarily: "setup" only helpMe 4input, useShift, xHome, yHome, xKey, yKey T"tapHere" "hand" "Hold SHIFT TAP the other key." "Please .marked a motion stages --Faster machines can more smooth index are q+ 1),\ "sad`" /"learn" "sad1" "sad2" "sad3" "sad4" "sad5" "sad6" "sad7" "sad8" "sad9" "sad0" "sadTab" "sadQ" "sadW" "sadE" "sadR" "sadY" "sadU" "sadI" "sadO" "sadP" "sadA" "sadS" "sadD" "sadF" "sadG" "sadH" "sadJ" "sadK" "sadL" "sadZ" "sadX" "sadC" "sadV" "sadB" "sadN" "sadM" "sadShift" showAllSad "sad[" "sad," helpMe enterBook crashRecovery showAllSad enterBook VcrashRecovery setup startup keyEnable nowKey nextKey helpMe tapHere shift Hold SHIFT and TAP the other key. Please TAP the marked key. index:to index stages input useShift xHome yHome crashRecovery learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn sadTab learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn sadShift learn showAllSad learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn sadTab learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn sadShift learn learn learn learn learn learn sadShift learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn learn sadShift learn fingering Shift Shift please Please key home problem 2lectric twoin alphat, againetter l)), again sadShift t$`': d)`': T.`': D3`': 48`': $=`': |I`': lN`': \S`': LX`': <]`': ,b`': ts`': dx`': T}`': sadTab rightHand rightShift leftShift tapHere score leftHand happyFace tap F1 to STOPe your whole worddo menus terPage leavePage enterPage branch enterPage register score Keyboard Fingering message resetMM tapHere fingering leftShift fingering rightShift fingering score fingering input tookHelp keyEnable yHome leftHome rightHome shareWare leavePage message branch ctrlDown jfldks;ahg pmt:.xiev/ ?wu(%'r-nb yq),c$ 2835160497 jp?yfm)wqlt:udk.%csx'$;ir ae-oh(,vn&zg/b pyj?2mqfw8t)lu3:,d5ck%1xs'6i ;r0e$o.a-4(vzhn9/&gb7 (-.%;)'&?:$/ getState speed KkeyDown speed lesson startup length itemList setSpeed keyEnable menus enterBook resetSpeed clearChecks leaveBook fanfare sizeToPage ctrlDown congrats enterBook reader exitPending sound.drv CloseSound OpenSound SetVoiceNote StartSound StopSound opensound tbkvideo.dll onward resetMM score saveState getState getWindowLong setWindowLong getWindowLong setWindowLong sizeToPage title loWord hiWord style holdTime darkTime shareWare leaveBook closeSound sound.drv tbkvideo.dll ctrlDown resetSpeed buttons speed speed timeout clearChecks fanfare stopSound 16,18,23,0,35,0,23,35 16,16,16,32,16,8,16,2 SetVoiceNote StartSound notes durations congrats seconds Ready to register? register fingering Ready for more? Bravo! Well done! Right on! Very good! ready which shareWare sizeToPage enterPage keyDown clearChecks enterPage keyEnable keyDown resetMM resetMM quotation lineField writeControls quotations resetMM quotation lineField writeControls quotations happyFace please problem fingering leftHand fingering rightHand fingering please problem keySeries quotation lineField lineField wordField keyField quotations keySeries fingering startup phase nowItem keyEnable length lesson itemList readOnly clearChecks buttons setup speed title setRight enterPage exitPending setLeft helpMe leavePage keyDown showSad i9enterPage tapHere quotation mark (vsetRight tapHere dollar sign BsetLeft tapHere percent sign BsetLeft tapHere ampersand (vsetRight tapHere apostrophe (vsetRight tapHere left parenthesis (vsetRight tapHere right parenthesis (vsetRight tapHere comma (vsetRight tapHere hyphen (vsetRight tapHere period (vsetRight tapHere slash (vsetRight tapHere zero (numeral, not letter O) (vsetRight tapHere one (numeral, not letter l) BsetLeft tapHere BsetLeft tapHere three BsetLeft tapHere BsetLeft tapHere BsetLeft tapHere (vsetRight tapHere seven (vsetRight tapHere eight (vsetRight tapHere (vsetRight tapHere colon (vsetRight tapHere semicolon (vsetRight tapHere question mark (vsetRight tapHere as in alpha BsetLeft tapHere as in bravo BsetLeft tapHere as in charlie BsetLeft tapHere as in delta BsetLeft tapHere as in echo BsetLeft tapHere as in foxtrot BsetLeft tapHere as in golf BsetLeft tapHere as in hotel (vsetRight tapHere as in india (vsetRight tapHere as in juliet (vsetRight tapHere as in kilo (vsetRight tapHere as in lima (not i) (vsetRight tapHere as in mike (vsetRight tapHere as in november (vsetRight tapHere as in oscar (vsetRight tapHere as in papa (vsetRight tapHere as in quebec BsetLeft tapHere as in romeo BsetLeft tapHere as in sierra BsetLeft tapHere as in tango BsetLeft tapHere as in uniform (vsetRight tapHere as in victor BsetLeft tapHere as in whisky BsetLeft tapHere as in x ray BsetLeft tapHere as in yankee (vsetRight tapHere as in zulu BsetLeft repeat , again nowItem keyValue useShift xHand yHand invalidItem input clock setRight right leftShift rightHand shiftKey xHome rightHome useShift whichHand setLeft rightShift leftHand shiftKey xHome leftHome useShift whichHand leavePage problem please shiftKey repeat tapHere please Good! Now home all. please please please Right on. please please happyFace score $fanfare congrats message tapHere saveState shiftKey shiftKey leftShift rightHand rightShift leftHand input keyEnable holdTime phase invalidItem useShift xHand xHome yHome whichHand saveState exitPending saveState repeat tapHere shiftKey tapHere shiftKey please please Please key please happyFace problem please For help, thumb the spacebar. helpMe speed input keyEnable clock timeOut darkTime useShift helpMe repeat onward score % SCORE score score score tapHere shiftKey Hold SHIFT; TAP the other key. Please TAP the marked key. tapHere shiftKey tapHere shiftKey index:to index stages input tookHelp useShift xHome yHome xHand yHand clock darkTime nextItem itemList keyDown speed sadShift sadShift onward score % SCORE score score leavePage enterPage DshowSad DshowSad score input keyEnable holdTime nowItem nextItem keyValue useShift clock timeOut tookHelp itemList phase isShift 'showSad sadTab sadTab badQuote badQuote helpMe recognition input holdTime isShift 2 ^ Shift Shift Enter to GO speed buttonUp buttonUp phase phase to EXIT Point and click below if you want buttons buttonUp buttonUp ClearChecks KkeyDown timeOut ClearChecks KkeyDown timeOut 8 WPM 12WPM buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks 12WPM KkeyDown timeOut clearChecks 12WPM KkeyDown timeOut 12 WPM 20WPM buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks 20WPM KkeyDown timeOut clearChecks 20WPM KkeyDown timeOut 20 WPM 30WPM buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks 30WPM KkeyDown timeOut clearChecks 30WPM KkeyDown timeOut 30 WPM 40WPM buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks 40WPM KkeyDown timeOut clearChecks 40WPM KkeyDown timeOut 40 WPM 60WPM buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks 60WPM KkeyDown timeOut clearChecks 60WPM KkeyDown timeOut 60 WPM buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks KkeyDown timeOut clearChecks KkeyDown timeOut 5 WPM buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks KkeyDown timeOut clearChecks KkeyDown timeOut 3 WPM buttonUp buttonUp clearChecks KkeyDown timeOut clearChecks KkeyDown timeOut 2 WPM To GO, tap on the keyboard, not via mouse. To both change speed and GO, point and click below. 2 WPM (words per minute) is best for title